REVISED DUE DATES – DirecTV SW Bargaining Survey & Bargaining Proposal Request Forms
Posted: October 25, 2024 Filed under: News Leave a comment »PLEASE NOTE REVISED/SEPARATE DUE DATES
CWA Locals may begin sharing and submitting both the CWA/DirecTV SW Bargaining Survey & CWA/DirecTV SW Bargaining Request Forms:
1. The bargaining survey form should be completed by every
member of your Local that is in the DirecTV SW bargaining unit.
You can access the form either through the link or the attached
QR code. Feel free to share either or both via your website,
personal emails from the Local to members, and any paper fliers
pushed out to members:
CWA/DirecTV SW Bargaining Survey Form
QR Code – CWA/DirecTV SW Bargaining Survey
Additionally, the bargaining survey will require members to provide their up
to date home address, contact phone number, and contact email address.
This information is very important and should be cross referenced to verify
Union membership and update Aptify for future Mobilization.
*****All Survey submissions should be received no later than Friday, November
22, 2024*****
2. The bargaining request form should be completed by members
requesting to make changes or add new language to the
contract being bargained. There should be a new form submitted
for each request being requested:
CWA/DirecTV SW Bargaining Proposal Request Form
QR Code – CWA/DirecTV SW Bargaining Proposal Request Form
The bargaining request form will require members to add their name,
current job title, phone number, and personal email address to verify
membership. Union Membership should be verified through Aptify before
*****All Proposal submissions should be received no later than Friday, November
15, 2024*****
If you need help getting access to the survey and/or the bargaining proposal please contact Ty Sellers (806) 544-8509 or Kris Rickman (806) 787-3513